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  "The first authentic Pilates studio

  in East Flanders"

  Foto's: Bart Van Leuven / Frédérique Debras

General conditions and information

By accessing or using this website you accept these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms, do not visit this site or do not use the information and data contained on the website.

  1. Company information
  2. Services offered on this website
  3. Publicity
  4. Target group and goals of this website
  5. Cookies
  6. Viruses
  7. Responsibility
  8. Intellectual property rights
  9. Hyperlinks
  10. Protection of privacy
  11. Choice of law and jurisdiction
  12. Modifications
1. Company information

Christl Clear Pilates is a sole proprietor under Belgian law with registered office at 9840 De Pinte, Krekelstraat 47, with VAT-number BE 0649.365.411.
(hereafter referred as CCP).

You can contact CCP:

  • by letter to CCP, Krekelstraat 47 at 9840 De Pinte, Belgium,
  • by e-mail: info@ccpilates.be,
  • by phone on +32 (0)495/20 91 43

Of course you can also visit the CCP studio itself.

The responsible editor of this site is Christl Muls (Krekelstraat 47, 9840 De Pinte).

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2. Services offered on this website

This website contains a purely informative component, a number of interactive applications and a transactional component.
As interactive applications from this website are considered, these applications offered on or through the website of CCP, in which visitors of this website fill in certain information, and where the visitor has some results communicated after an automated processing of the data entered by the visitor. This concerns, for example, the route calculation to the studio.
Since the visitor fills in the information itself, CCP is not in a position to verify the accuracy of the data.

The publications, information and interactive applications on this website serve informational purposes only, whether data originate from CCP or its selected third parties. CCP has addressed the utmost attention to the content of the information, data and results of automatic processing, and updates the content of the site at regular intervals. When data or applications are not from CCP, they appeal to third parties which in its opinion are sufficiently reliable. Nevertheless, CCP does not give express or implied warranty about the completeness, accuracy and actuality of data, applications, and the results of any automated processing communicated to the visitor.

This site also contains a transactional component, with applications including calendar management. Access to these services and certain interactive applications is only granted if one has established in advance a client relationship with CCP, and if one has signed the agreements applicable to such services at CCP. The provisions of the current "General conditions and information" shall not apply to services that are governed by the provisions of such a specific agreement.
For example, customers who visit this site can only access the calendar management application if previously the corresponding agreement has been concluded.

The information given on this site are made available by CCP in order to inform you about a range of products and services proposed to you by CCP
CCP aims for a maximum availability of this site but reserves the right, even without prior notice, to interrupt access to the site in case of risk on fraud or abuse, or to make changes to the website.

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3. Publicity

This website consists of advertising from CCP based on services and products of CCP. Hyperlinks and other whether or not similar references to third parties who are not subsidiaries of CCP can not be considered as advertising for such third parties.

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4. Target group and goals of this website

This website, its content, the results of automated processing, data and information made available to you, are strictly intended for personal and noncommercial use by natural persons and legal persons having their habitual residence or registered office in Belgium, or who already have a customer relationship with CCP.
The information, data or results of automatic processing can in no way replace a personal opinion of the visitor. They can in no way be considered as an advice regarding the purchase or sale of services or products.
For a customized solution adapted to your situation and/or any advice you can always address yourself to CCP's studio.
The information, data or results of automated processing can not be regarded as legal, sporting or other advice and are preferably used only in combination with customized and professional advice. Neither the information nor the results communicated to the customer are intended to encourage the customer to make certain actions, or to advice for or against certain actions. Also the hyperlinks to sites not under the control of CCP or its employees, are intended only as a customer service, and in no way imply an opinion, a form of advertising or a value judgment.

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5. Cookies

When you access this site, CCP will in certain circumstances in an automated manner send "cookies" to your computer. These are small applications being saved on the hard disk of the PC. These applications are mainly intended to facilitate your use of this website. They record for instance the choice of language that you make on your first visit to the site so that on your next visit to the site you are automatically served in your chosen language on your first visit. If you do not want these cookies to be written on your hard disk, you can configure your browser (internet explorer) so that they can not be admitted to your hard disk. CCP can in this case not guaranteethe correct functioning of the sites under its control.
If you wish, you can also remove the cookies after each consultation of the website from your hard disk
CCP will treat the information collected by these "cookies" completely confidentially in accordance with best practice in this field, and respecting the provisions of the act of December 8, 1992 with respect to the processing of personal data.
An explanation with more technical details about “cookies” an the use of them by CCP, can be found in the heading Cookies on the CCP website.

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6. Viruses

CCP ensures that all data it posts on this site for inclusion on the site are scanned for the presence of all known viruses at that time. CCP controls regularly all items on this site that can be downloaded by the client to his computer for the presence of the then known viruses.
Despite the high degree of caution exercised by CCP, CCP can not, given the rapid evolution of internet traffic and the associated risks, guarantee that all information on this site is at all times completely virus free.
Given the risks associated with the use of the internet CCP encourages the visitor strongly to scan himself again any downloaded informationfor viruses, even that which comes from a by the customer deemed reputable supplier.

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7. Responsibility

CCP, except in cases of its own intent or gross negligence or that of its employees, shall not be liable for:

  • any technical difficulties users of this website may have, whatever the cause, including but not limited to bugs, viruses, insufficient capacity, its own software and hardware, browser, computer systems and their extensions of the visitor, regardless of their nature, which provide the visitor access to the internet and this website. Adjusting, installing, maintaining, securing and updating of the aforementioned own software and hardware of the visitor, as well as its computer systems and their extensions, remain the sole responsibility of the visitor of this website.
  • any damage due to force majeure, acts of third parties beyond its direct control, such as, but not limited to links from other websites, not under direct control of CCP and/or its employees, that give access to the website of CCP or to a website that apparently looks like a website of CCP.
  • any damage caused by leaving this website or arising after leaving this website, even if this website would be left via a hyperlink on this website.
  • direct or indirect damage caused by any information, data and results of automated processing on or through this site that would be communicated to the visitor and/or any direct or indirect damage suffered by the visitor or by third parties by conclusions to be drawn from or actions to be following information, data and results of automated processing on or transmitted through this website.
  • damages resulting from errors, whatever their cause, which would occur during the automatic processing of data provided and introduced by the visitor in the interactive applications, where CCP has not itself developed those interactive applications, and clearly indicates this by the inclusion of a logo or other designation.
  • the unauthorized access of a third to, or alteration by an unauthorized third of the computer systems, software and programming code and software of the visitor or CCP, and the direct or indirect damages resulting therefrom.
  • the incompleteness, inaccuracy, or non-actuality of the data entered by the visitor when he uses the interactive applications.
  • websites and practices of websites that are not operated by CCP.

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8. Intellectual property rights

The content of the website www.ccpilates.be, the information, the informative, interactive and transactional applications that it offers, the programs, the trademarks and the logos are protected by intellectual property of CCP, its employees or subcontractors. Users of this website have to respect at all times the intellectual property and must refrain from violating this.
For certain elements of this website CCP uses reputable suppliers that build database of photos, videos or other multimedia applications. The contractual relationship with these parties shall provide that these suppliers should ensure that their applications and services offered meet all requirements of copyright, intellectual property rights and related rights. As such, CCP believes that the pictures, videos and multimedia applications that are made available by CCP have come entirely legally into its possession and that they therefore can be used. Should you however find data, photos, videos or multimedia applications on this site, for which you believe that by their use your intellectual property rights, copyrights or related rights have been violated, may we ask you to contact CCP via the above contact information.

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9. Hyperlinks

Unless express written consent of CCP, no link can be made from any other website to any of the websites and/or web pages from CCP.

This prohibition applies to any form or technique of connection with the name, address or any other element belonging to CCP, being recorded or displayed on another website, or connecting internet users from this other website connected to the website of CCP.

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10. Protecton of privacy

The data entered by the visitor or registered on the website can be processed in the files of CCP and companies, with which CCP is linked by a contract, as part of its activities.

CCP can close contracts for the provision of services by third parties that manage for herdetermined customers information, as part of their assignments. CCP shall take the necessary measures to ensure that third parties safeguard the confidentiality of such information and ensure the security of the data collected, particularly even when this means that personal information is transferred to countries outside the European Union with a law that does not provide equivalent protection for personal information such as Belgium or the European Union.
No personal data will be disclosed to third parties unless the explicit permission of the person concerned has been obtained, in consequence of a Belgian or foreign law, if a legitimate interest justifies it or pursuant to an express order from a regulatory authority or pursuant to a court decision.

CCP can monitor the use of the website in order to analyse the usage of the website and to improve the offer on the website.
Within the calendar management application the processing of data will be done for the purposes mentioned within this application.

CCP uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google").  Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States . Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage.  Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.  You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.  By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

The data may, subject to opposition by the visitor, be used for commercial and communication purposes. The visitor may oppose to the use of his personal information for direct marketing purposes, as provided in the relevant places on the website.
Prior to advertising via electronic mail, permission of the visitor will always be asked.

According to the act of December 8, 1992 on the protection of privacy, the visitor has the right to access and modify the processed data. For this purpose, send a letter to the above address, with a copy of the front of the identity card.

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11. Choise of law and jurisdiction

The on this website provided service- and productinformation as well as the publication of those shall be governed by Belgian law.
Only the Tribunals and Courts of Ghent have jurisdiction to settle any dispute relating to this website, the information on this website, the linked websites and webpages as well as the use of those by the visitor.
No doctrine concerning the choice of applicable law and jurisdiction can result in the in this article applicable declared law or empowered Courts and Tribunals not being applicable, or not having jurisdiction.

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12. Modifications

CCP can change these general conditions and information at any time and without prior notice.

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